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2007년 5월 2일 _해당되는 글 2건
07/05/02   지구온난화에 의한 최초멸종동물 (2)
07/05/02   박찬호의 멋진 타격 자세 ㅋ

지구온난화에 의한 최초멸종동물
Green_design | 07/05/02 13:47

코스타리카의 일부 지역에 서식하던 golden toad_개구리입니다.
일부 과학자들이 주장하는 바에 의하면
지구온난화에 의해 멸종된 최초의 생물이라고 합니다.
누가 이 개구리를 멸종시켰고...
왜 이 개구리를 멸종시켰고...
무슨 권리로 이 개구리를 멸종시켰는지...
돌아 보게 됩니다.


아래는 원문입니다.

The golden toad (bufo periglenes) is an amphibian which was indigenous to only an approximately 5 square kilometer region of Costa Rica, and is now believed to be extinct. It is considered by some as one of the first creatures whose extinction can be definitively blamed on global warning.

These toads only mate during a few weeks in April and May and depend upon seasonal pools of rainwater in which to lay their eggs. Warming sea surface temperatures in the adjacent oceans are blamed for decreased rainfall and drier conditions in the cloud forest where the golden toad made its home. During the mating season in 1987, more than 1500 toads were observed, but an exceptionally dry and warm year caused the breeding pools used by the frogs to dry out before the tadpoles could fully mature. Since then, only 11 toads have been observed and no definitive observations have been made since 1989 despite extensive searching

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관련글(트랙백) | 댓글(2)

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